Sunday 11 November 2018
With the 100 year
cessation of World War 1, 11 November 2018 was a special day in the
The Club normally recognises the 2 minute silence observed on Armistice Day, but this year we thought we'd try recognise the 100 year anniversary in a more formal way.
So, 4 rifles, a Mauser, two Lee Enfields, and a Pattern 14 (P14) where used to make a salute to the lost after the 2 minute silence and the playing of the Last Post.
Chief Range Officer for the Club, Tony Humphris, officiated the salute, and our honour guard consisted of Mick, Peter, Stan and Finn.
Very touching it was too. Thank you to all the members who came along to support the salute.
Their name liveth forever more .....